Who’s Left Covering Brooklyn With the Big Newspapers in Retreat?

“It’s definitely a distressing state of affairs. You have a borough of well over 2 million people without any sustained and expanded coverage from the daily newspapers,” said Ross Barkan, a former journalist who came up short in Thursday’s Democratic primary for a state Senate seat in Brooklyn.

New York City Has ‘a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity’ to Create an Internet for All

Progressive candidates could lend the idea additional weight. Ross Barkan, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America who is running for New York State Senate, recently tweeted in favor of a public Internet-service option.

Young New York State Senate candidates see opportunity after Ocasio-Cortez win

Myrie, a lawyer and former legislative director in City Council, is among a handful of millennials running for the Senate, where most policies impacting New Yorkers are set, including . . . 28-year-old journalist Ross Barkan (District 22). . . .

Caught on Speed Camera, a Senator Who’d Like to Shut Them Down

Then, in May, with the prospect of an opponent in the general election, Ross Barkan, who favored them, Mr. Golden said he supported more cameras.

Opioids Are Not a ‘Ghetto Drug,’ ‘Doctor’s Kids’ Are Addicted, Too, State Senator Says

Journalist Ross Barkan, who is running for Golden’s seat, posted Golden’s remark on Twitter.

A Routine Run In, Except for the Senator in the Passenger Seat

Ross Barkan, a former reporter for The New York Observer who announced his candidacy in October, called Mr. Golden unfit for office and a disgrace.

Ross Barkan Is An Ex-Journalist Running For State Senate On A Woman’s Rights Platform

On Sunday, the New York Daily News reported that New York State Senate candidate Ross Barkan will announce a women’s rights platform that focuses on addressing sexual harassment in the political environment and promoting women’s issues.

NYC political journalist Ross Barkan to challenge GOP state Sen. Martin Golden for seat

City political journalist Ross Barkan has decided to see politics from the other side — announcing Tuesday he will be running for state Senate against veteran Brooklyn Republican incumbent Martin Golden.

Holy Crap, Ross Barkan Is Running for State Senate

Ross Barkan, who has covered city and state politics for the Voice, the Guardian, Gothamist, the Observer, and other publications since 2013, published an article at Medium this morning where he announced that he was entering the 2018 race for Republican Marty Golden’s New York state senate seat, as a Democrat.

Journalist Ross Barkan on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media

“The odd thing at the Observer is they do give their writers and reporters a lot of independence. I really could decide and craft ways to approach the campaign….”