How Bloomberg’s 60/40 strategy helps him deal with the press

I was a 22-year-old rookie reporter for a local newspaper in the outer boroughs, making a salary that today would not even be New York’s minimum wage. It was January 2012, the second to last year of Michael Bloomberg’s mayoralty, and I tentatively typed out an email to Bloomberg’s hard-charging press secretary.

Could Andrew Yang and His Gang Make It in New York’s Mayoral Race?

When Andrew Yang, the peppy UBI evangelist, dropped out of the presidential race last Tuesday, he immediately stoked speculation he was ready to seek another prestigious office: mayor of New York City.

Michael Bloomberg Isn’t a Smug Technocratic Centrist. He’s Something Far Worse

In 2014, New York City quietly agreed to pay an $18 million settlement to the hundreds of people who had been ripped from the streets and locked away for peacefully protesting the Republican National Convention.

An oligarch has bought his way into the 2020 race. Why is no one talking about this?

With an estimated worth of $3bn, Donald Trump is just barely a member of the billionaires’ club. Michael Bloomberg, on the other hand, boasts a reported net worth of $60bn.

Why American Socialism Failed—and How It Could Prevail Today

Income inequality was surging, a racist president was ruthlessly deporting immigrants, and the world was struggling to recover from a brutal war. The political scene, like America itself, was a deeply volatile, unpredictable place.

Voter, Beware: Oppo Dump Season Is Upon Us

One day after CNN reported that Bernie Sanders allegedly told Elizabeth Warren, in a private meeting in 2018, that a woman could not defeat Donald Trump, a reporter from another TV network trumpeted a different Sanders scoop.

Trump has savaged the environment. The planet cannot afford a second term

What are the consequences of a second term of Donald Trump? To even consider the question sends the left-leaning mind into a paroxysm. Everything from nuclear war to the utter collapse of American democracy looms large in the imaginations of otherwise sober-minded people.

A Work in Progress

Last month, Chesa Boudin, a thirty-nine-year-old public defender, narrowly won an election to become the next district attorney of San Francisco. Boudin ran as a progressive outsider, promising to overhaul a criminal justice system that has locked up too many black and brown people.

The smartphone is our era’s cigarette – and just as hard to quit

In the long lost year of 2011, I managed to graduate college without owning a smartphone. Even then, four years after the birth of the iPhone, I was not yet an unreasonable outlier.

Joe Biden’s old-guy machismo is a serious flaw – but also what voters love about him

On Thursday, Joe Biden, the Democratic frontrunner for president, angrily confronted a voter in Iowa who didn’t like him very much. Biden deemed him a “damn liar” and “too old to vote for me” and maybe, just maybe, “fat”.